
How the Internet Has Changed Divorce

The face of divorce today is very different from that of years past, and one reason for this is the rise of the Internet. Here is a look at how the Internet has changed divorce over recent years.

Find the right divorce attorney faster than ever.

Of course, one of the most obvious ways that the Internet has influenced divorce of today is the way in which couples approach finding the right divorce attorney. Finding a trustworthy and professional attorney is now easier than ever, as you can find local attorneys online, read about the services they offer, and even see reviews right there in your search results. You can then contact the attorney(s) you are considering meeting with right from their websites via an online contact form.

Social media can influence court proceedings.

Many don’t realize how deeply social media can affect divorce proceedings. Anything you post on sites like Facebook and Instagram becomes public domain that can be used as evidence in a courtroom. A Facebook status or photo, for example, might reveal an extramarital affair or domestic violence, or a public argument on social media can affect the outcome of divorce proceedings. This isn’t limited to your own postings either; anything that friends or family members post could enter the courtroom as well—even if you don’t have any social media profiles yourself.

The Internet remembers the past.

After every divorce, there comes the decision of what to do about existing social media profiles. Some delete their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles and get new ones; others have invested quite a bit of time and effort in their social media profiles and prefer to sift through and selectively delete past posts; others do nothing. How you approach an online presence and social media following a divorce is entirely up to you. One important thing to remember, though, is that the web remembers more than you probably realize; so if you’re looking for a fresh start online—and many do—you’ll need to take a thorough inventory of what is out there. In addition to photos and posts on your own social media profiles, you’ll want to check mutual friends who might continue posting things relating to your former spouse on a regular basis. You’ll find old email conversations as you search message archives. There will be old photos and updates on friends’ profiles as well. The Internet can be an overwhelming place, but as long as you are aware of the ramifications that come with having an online presence, it will be possible to navigate post-divorce.